Chamber requests nominations for 2025 Board of Directors
The Greater Elkhart Chamber of Commerce will receive applications for its board of directors through September 1, 2024. Community leaders are encouraged to serve and participate in governing the finances and strategic initiatives of the Chamber, which represents roughly 44,000 total employees and over 900 member businesses and organizations.
Board terms are three years in length, and selected individuals from this year’s nominations will be seated Jan. 1, 2025. Any employee of a member business or organization in good standing may submit a Board Application and resume.
The application is available below or by calling Amanda at (574) 293-1531.
A nominating committee will review candidates and make selections to fill positions based on business category, occupation or profession, memberships in civic and fraternal organizations, achievements, community contributions, and participation in Chamber projects or events.
Business categories include retail, professional, service, manufacturing, technical, wholesale, not-for-profit, and others.
Applications may be submitted using the form below, mailed to PO Box 428, Elkhart, IN 46515, or delivered to 418 S Main St, Elkhart.
Chamber Board Application
Primary Responsibilities and Obligations of Board Members
- Financial oversight of the Chamber.
- New Chamber members (Generate 1 new lead per quarter).
- Attend all regular Board Meetings; most are held on the 3rd Friday of each month.
- Attend assigned Council meetings.
- Support special events.
- Attend the Annual Meeting.
- Enter into full discussion and participation in policy decisions affecting the Chamber and business community.
- Maintain the confidentiality of all Board meetings.
- Accept the responsibility of any assignments, payment of board fees and payment of membership dues during my term.
- Offer suggestions that may improve Chamber programs and internal operations.
- Attend the Board Orientation in December.
- Actively engage in developing, implementing and evaluating the yearly Chamber Priorities.